Get to know the vital aspects of allergies in Dogs and Cats

Just like the human beings, animals like dog and cat are also prone to allergy. Allergic symptoms are visible when the immune system is unable to combat with the dangerous allergens. Allergens are present in various forms in the environment and all animals will not face the same reaction due to these. Some dogs and cats may show no allergic reaction while some may face extreme health disorders due to allergy. Allergies In Dogs as well as cats is a common scenario and here you will get an idea about the vital aspects. Some symptoms associated with allergy When one talks about Allergies In Cats or dogs then the notable symptoms are like red skin, increased scratching, runny eyes, vomiting, diarrhea, sneezing, respiratory issues, swollen paws, frequent licking, ear infections, hair loss etc. So, if you are noticing these symptoms with your cat or dog then allergy may be the reason behind deteriorating health condition. The reasons behind allergic reaction D...