Pet Cure Solutions: Best Allergy Drops for Pets
Sometimes when you notice your furry friend is doing something unusual it might be because your pet is suffering from allergies. Your pet's immune system may react with allergens in the environment and lead to allergy symptoms. Pet Allergy Symptoms These allergy symptoms in animals include intense itching or continuously scratching, in some cases, they may develop a respiratory symptoms like coughing, sneezing and wheezing. You may sometimes notice runny eyes. A few cats tend to develop vomiting due to allergic reaction to allergens in cat food. If your dog frequently scratches or scoots across the floor, chances are he has caught an allergy. Pet Allergy Medicine When the vet diagnosis the condition as an allergy, he may try to determine the type of allergen. Cats and dogs with allergies are prescribed allergy shots for Cat Allergy Medicine . These shots are also known as hyposensitization. This means the cat is injected with antigen specific injections weekly. Howev...